The physiological advantages of sports
When we do sports the lungs become more flexible. A flexible lung can hold more oxygen when we breathe. This is very helpful especially when we are under stress because our lungs can support our system with more oxygen.
*The heart rate of the people who are in resting position is lower than the ones who do regular sports than the ones who do not. When the people who do regular sports are under stress, their heart rate stays at a lower rate than the ones who do not and they increase slowly. Whereas the heart rate of the people who are inactive may increase suddenly.
When a sudden fight starts or when we get a bad news, great amount of adrenalin hormones are released. As a result, the heart rate at the resting state increases. It will be easier to control the release rate of the adrenaline hormones and therefore control the increase or decrease of the heart rates.
The importance of controlling the low heart rates can be distinguished especially in a shock state. Low heart rates are a measure against a heart attack that may be caused by a sudden increase of the heart rates.
Besides, a person may stay calmer when his heart rates are lower under a stress and may control his feelings better.
*Endorphin hormones are released while doing sports. These hormones are generally released at least 30 minutes after we start doing sports. The function of endorphin in the body is similar to morphine. It is a natural painkiller and also sedative.
*Doing sports at the end of a tiring and stressful day helps us get rid of the stress of the day.
Adrenaline hormones may have been accumulated in the body at the end of a stressful day. It will be impossible for us to feel comfortable and calm when we have this hormone in an amount more than necessary.
The researches proved that the accelerating metabolism helps us get rid of these excess adrenaline hormones. Besides, it helps people forget the events that have made them angry, sorry and worried when at work. Therefore, you will not have a sullen face at dinner at home!
After doing sports for half an hour, the endorphin hormones released by our body make us calm and comfortable, as we have mentioned before. This is far better solution than the medication we will have to take to get the same effect.
Sports have no bad side effects for our health. On the contrary it has positive effects on it. In other words, both being less addicted to the medication and also the feeling of indulgence obtained from having a good time are the adequate reasons for us to do some sports at the end of the day.
Endorphin hormones are released especially at least 30 minutes after we start doing sports. The function of endorphin in the body is similar to morphine. It is a natural painkiller and also sedative.
*It prevents accumulation of chronic psychological stress. This kind of stress is a risk factor that might increase both high blood pressure and the cardiovascular illnesses.
*It helps us get rid of insomnia. Being sleepless is a typical result of stress. It turns out to be more difficult to cope with stress as long as we are sleepless. Dealing regularly with sports enables us to sleep comfortably and put our sleep habit in an order. Having adequate sleep allows us to be more enduring against stress conditions.
*It helps you be spiritually relaxed. People are concentrated on the workout they are doing and they forget about their problems, at least for a short time. Besides, people start being proud of themselves because they feel that they are doing something useful. Feeling of stress replaces with feeling of success. Doing sports helps especially get rid of the feeling of stress and depression resulting from lack of confidence or having nothing to do.
*If it is a team sports such as football, people have both social contacts and fight for a mutual target together with the team members. If the target of winning the game against the other team is realized, feelings such as happiness, pride and success are experienced. If they lose, they will go on working towards the same mutual target. People can also set targets for themselves in individual sports.
Cotton Princess
It is possible to fight against stress by doing sports. Sports have two main advantages. It creates physiological changes in the body as well as providing psychological support