Being one of the names of the world of pop that does not make concession to his quality with his different style and sound color, Yaşar meets with his fans without changing his line for many years.
Who did you work with in the album?
Sarp Özdemiroğlu is both the producer and arranger of the album. We used Erekli-Tunç Studio belonging to Rıza Erekli. The records of the album (Pro Tools Editing) was made by Başar Yakupoğlu.
What has changed in Turkish pop music till now?
The quality went down. The number of the songs that lasted for many years are few. Pirating demoralized the productive composers. There are rumors about the professional associations. Shortly, Turkish Pop music is going through the hardest time in the last 50 years.
Do the changes in the music sector disturb you?
The music sector is going through its stagnant term. I feel bad and uncomfortable about it.
What does music mean for you? Business or passion?
I am trying to balance them. I started it as a passion and it is my profession now.
What kind of a process is composing? Which song of yours do you like best ?
My favorite song changes each and every year. It is a difficult and painful process. It is kind of being drunk. It is really difficult to tell but it is very enjoyable when you get a satisfactory result.
What kind of music do you listen to?
It changes. I listen to rock, folk and verbal jazz depending on the time I am listening to.
Which singers do you follow in Turkey and abroad?
I used to follow some singers but, turned out to be an average music listener. There is no special person I am listening to.
Do you enjoy eating?
I love eating. I have information about the world cuisine and I follow them. There are certain cooking programs on TV. I follow them. I eat out at least three days a week but I am not so good at cooking, I must admit.
Which world cuisine do you prefer?
I prefer the Turkish cuisine, French cuisine and Indian cuisine especially for their spicy tastes.
Being from Adana, do you like kebabs?
Adana and Antep cuisine are my favorites among the others in Turkish Cuisine. As can be gathered from this statement, I am an expert in kebabs.
Do you do sports regularly?
I do Aikido, Kick box and Pilates.
Which branches of the sports are you interested in? Which sports activities are you following?
I follow kick box, athleticism and football closely.
What do you do for a healthy life?
I care for sports. I am trying to be careful with what I eat and the most important thing is I am trying to keep away from stress.